
Saturday, December 4, 2010

Money, My Ugly Childhood, and Pink Floyd

 [ Love Of Money Is The Root Of All Evil, 8"x10", pencil, c. 2004 ]

To continue Throwback Week, here's another oldie but goodie from high school art class. This one I did at San Clemente High in Mr. Palmer or Mr. Delanty's art class. Honestly cannot remember which one. It's a drawing from a photo of me when I was about 9 or 10. I was counting my Christmas money from Granny. Look at that evil, greedy grin on my face. I look like the Grinch! And check out those pre-braces teeth! The bow on top of my head is what I think really makes the picture. I could see this being a Banksy stencil showing the greed and corruption of America even in it's supposedly innocent children. I am glad to say I went through my money-grubbing-gold-digging stage at an extremely young age and outgrew it VERY quickly. Now all I want [*cheeseball alert*] is a simple, happy life with the people I love. The title of this one is "Love of Money Is The Root of All Evil," but looking back I wish I had titled it "Keep Your Hands Off My Stack" or one of the other witty lines in Pink Floyd's classic song, "Money." You live and learn.

[ Detail. Click to enlarge. ]

[ Detail. Click to enlarge. ]

- Amy
Listening to: Pink Floyd's "Money."


  1. Yes Amy, you were a real beast (your sister was probably the cute kid), but man could you draw!

  2. hahaha! I know! My teeth were like a booby trap! At least I had the art going for me. :)

  3. hahaha omg you were an adorable child. and i would have bought so much candy with that money

  4. this cracked me up! good one, ames. the drawing is tres mangnifique.
