
Monday, November 22, 2010

Illustratrations, Matt Barnes, and The Smart Brothers

Inspired by Jen's diamond, I made my own for use in The OC Gazette this month. It's an illustration to accompany my Off The Record interview with new Laker Matty Barnes to signify his many different facets. How about his last two games? Our bench is probably better than some teams' starting lineups between Brown, Barnes, Blake and soon Odom again. I see another Larry O'Brien in our future.

- Amy
Listening to The Smart Brothers' Heavens' Gate. They're an amazing band from SD.


  1. smart bros are so good! and so is barnsey. and your illustration. touche ames, you;ve outdone yourself

  2. Amy: Inspired? I do love them both, however.

  3. Jen, to steal a line from Chicago, "You're the inspiratioooon." haha! And JJ, the weird thing is that I didn't even look at hers. I found a pic of a diamond and made my own. Then I got home and looked at hers and they are super similar! I went a little crazy on the facets of mine though. And it's a little more toned down.

  4. Twilight zone - twins - How did I know that?

    Happy Thanksgiving!!
