
Monday, October 4, 2010

Doodles, Steven Tyler, and Flying Pianists

As you guys know, I work for The OC Gazette Magazine. Every month we get our printed magazines in from Freedom Printing in Anaheim, and every month our Entertainment columnists Jill and Gary (of drive by to pick up a box or two. Jill and Gary are so much fun to work with so we always leave them "love doodles" on their magazine boxes concerning whatever show they've recently covered. It's like a love note, but better, because a picture is worth a thousand words. Here's my doodle from last month. They covered Aerosmith. I tried to over exaggerate Steven Tyler's mouth, but it looks pretty true to life doesn't it? 

Here's a cool video of Aerosmith doing one of my favorite's, "Dream On," live. I love how they lower the pianist from the cieling. Do you think he had to wait, suspended there, the whole show until they played this song? How much to you want to bet this was probably the encore. Poor guy.

- Amy
Listening to: Ray Lamontagne's "New York City's Killing Me"


  1. I also love "Dream On." I think I'll add it to my Virtual Ipod. Thanks.

  2. I didn't know you guys printed with Freedom. That's who we use too.

  3. Yeah buddy! I love all the guys over at prepress. They are just diamonds, aren't they?
