
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jason Schwartzman, Painting Progress and Threats of a Salon Des Refuses

I'm so close to being done with my painting of Matt! I see the light at the end of the tunnel. The silver lining amongst the stormy skies. The ray of light shining through the darkness. You get it. It's a long and arduous process. A journey only to be undertaken by the strong of heart. I'm going to try to finish up the background tonight and then all I have left is the halo and the tattoos. Ok, the tunnel is looking a little longer and a little darker than I thought now. 

I've already got my ideas and sketches for my next two paintings. One involves a motorcycle, my friend Kevin Vessely, his majestic beard, the beautiful California coast, and snorkeling gear. The other one will involve some really cool perspective and my musician friend Nick (who also happens to make a mean iced pumpkin spice latte at Peet's Coffee in Lake Forest).  I'm trying to set up the photoshoots this week so that as soon as I'm done with this painting (I still need to think of a clever title) I can get to work on the next. 

I want to get as many hours at the easel in as possible so I can have at least three paintings of this series finished and ready for viewing. The new fall season of all my shows and some epic-looking new ones could seriously waylay these plans. (Is anyone else super excited about HBO's "Bored To Death" with Jason Schwartzman, Zack Galifianakas and Ted Danson? The trailer is below if you have no idea what I'm talking about.) The local Peet's Coffee shops in Lake Forest and Talega hold art shows regularly. I'm hoping they'll let me into their casual "salon." If they don't, I'm pulling a Napoleon III and holding my own "Salon des Refuses." Let's all hope it doesn't come to that. My 16' x 16' room would make for a very crowded viewing gallery. 

- Amy
On my iTunes: Black Sabbath's "Changes"


  1. A clever title for the painting of Matt? How about "L'Oeuvre." By the way, "Bored to Death" looks like "Sex & the City" for guys. I'm not sure I can handle it, but I'll give it a spin. Thanks.

  2. The painting of Matt looks great! Find a good moniker yet? Also, I saw the work you did for the October article, you KILLED it (pun intended)! I got so excited when I saw the layout, thanks for making me look good.

  3. I have yet to come up with his alter ego name. Suggestions will be gladdly added to the drawing board! And I'm so glad you liked the layout! It turned out suprisingly well to be so last minute. Isn't that how it always goes?
