
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Even Esquire Makes Mistakes

[Figure 1. Click to enlarge.]

I caught a mistake in Esquire Magazine! [See Figure 1. See it? In the flag tab?] To me, Esquire is the be all and end all of magazines when it comes to innovative, accessible, just damn clever design. So to catch a design blunder between their envy-worthy covers made all those mistakes I've made (how many times can a designer forget to use true black?!) in The OC Gazette over the years feel a little less weighty.

[Figure 2]

That being said, I hasten to add that when you weigh that tiny mistake against the issue as a whole, it's a mere drop in the bucket. One gem from this issue is "The Discerning Man's Guide To Grooming." [See Figure 2.]

If it's something I hate, it's a man who refuses to take care of his hair. Wherever it may dwell. I don't ask much. I pretty much like a man scruffy and grungy and smelling of wood and gasoline. But please... take care of the hair. The hilarious and very helpful guide includes "How to Properly twirl a Mustache" (if I was a guy I'd definitely have a lip tickler), and "How to Control Your Eyebrows." The final step to the latter is: "Lick the thumb and pinkie of your left hand. Starting at the middle of your brows, smooth outward. Proceed with confidence." Nothing like a good Graucho Marx reference.

This section also includes a funny ode to Antonio Banderas' cologne and how it may be the only cheapy, celebrity namesake scent that isn't horrible. The only problem? "The real trick is where you store it: at the very back of your medicine cabinet, turned around, so no one will ever know."

Call me strange, but women's magazine's don't come close to providing the kind of knowledge I glean from the witty and informative pages of this men's magazine. So, step it up Elle and Vogue. I can only read so many "How To Get Smokey Eyes" and "How To Tell if He's Into You" guides.

- Amy
On my iTunes: The Growlers' "Her Command"

P.S.  After posting this blog, my designer friend Leon Ingram (who works for Disney) told me he could totally go for a sawdust/gasoline scented cologne, and so after deciding to add whiskey into the mix, he came up with the ingenious name for our new men's scent: "Dusty Whisk - A fragrance by Hoodgram" (our last names cleverly joined into one). After both agreeing this was a million dollar idea, Leon posted the initial promotional ad for said cologne on my facebook. Here it is:

[Click to enlarge.]

Director of Design for Churm Media, Luke Hodsdon, is raving about Dusty Whisk: "No more rolling around in the garage to get that perfect scent!!"


  1. yessssss. haha, this is so awesome. wood and gasoline? the scents of a true man.

  2. dusty whisk? hahaha, could be confused with a kitchen utensil that needs washing. probably a similar smell though, so maybe it's ok.

    i miss you!

  3. Wood and gasoline - perfect. In the ad, which one is Leon? (Just a joke, Mr. Ingram).

  4. Blythe! You're coming home tomorrow right!?

    JJ, how cool would it be if that WERE Leon? To know someone who had given a literal bear hug?!
