
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Danny Lyons, Adventures with Kevin, and Indian Summers

[ "Crossing the Ohio River" from The Bikeriders by Danny Lyon. I have a giant poster of this framed above my bed. ]

Rule No. 1 of being a photographer:
Don't forget the battery.
I'm not a photographer though, I'm a painter. This is my only excuse for breaking the cardinal rule yesterday. Yesterday I met my friend, Kevin Vesely at Kaylani Coffee in San Clemente. Kevin is the bearded man who will be the subject of my next painting. We met at Kaylani's to plan our attack of the photoshoot that was to follow:

  1. Snivel and whine about the unbearable heatwave. I knew this beatifully mild summer was just a prelude to a sweltering Indian Summer. [Author's Note: Indian Summer (n): (Earth Sciences / Physical Geography) a period of unusually settled warm weather after the end of summer proper.] 
  2. Make final decision on locations for shoot.
  3. Go to said location and take epic photos to be turned into even epic-er painting.
We successfully achieved points one and two of our attack, and half of three. We made it to the location, but here's where the record scratches and the camera does the three frame zoom (closer, closer, closer) from my horrified face into my horrified eyes because I realize my battery is sitting at home on it's charger. Luckily Kevin has that mellow, easy quality that most San Clementians possess, and my profuse apologies were all graciously accepted. Some great poet somewhere once said, It's not the destination, it's the adventure.

So I rescheduled to meet Kevin next weekend to take some pictures of him, his fierce beard, and his bike. It's going to be such a great painting. I can feel it. I've been looking through my well worn copy of Danny Lyon's The Bikeriders a lot for inspiration on composition. I found out about Danny Lyon through one of my favorite blogs, The Selvedge Yard. Read the post here. You'll be hooked on this blog for life. 

Here are some of my favorite photos from The Bikeriders.

[ "From Dayton to Columbus, Ohio" ]

[ "Outlaw camp, Elkhorn, Wisconson" ]

[ "Renegade's Funeral, Detroit" ]

[ "Jack, Chicago" ]

[ "Racer, Schereville, Indiana" ]

[ "Route 12, Wisconson" ]

[ "Cal Elkhorn, Wisconson" ]

- Amy
Listening to: The scottish lads from We Were Promised Jetpacks, specifically "It's Thunder And It's Lightning." I just found out that they are on tour with Jimmy Eat World and will be playing at The Wiltern for Late Night with Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday. Who knew? Speaking of Jimmy Eat World, I miss the days of Clarity and Bleed American. Call me old and set in my ways, but the new stuff just isn't doin' it for me.

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